Sunday, April 5, 2009

Continuing the Rotaract Legacy...

The Pilipinas Multi-District Information Organization (MDIO) has been very busy the last three (3) months and so I was too. We are now on our 4th series of meetings for Manual of Procedure.

The aim of coming out with standardized (but still always subject for respective DRRs’ discretion) is to provide a tool for DRRs in decision-making over common but needed district functions and concerns.

It’s been addressed that the existing districts have their own ‘version’ of policies which are sometimes chaotic. Remarks such as bias and unfair or no basis at all are the roots for standardization of these procedures.

Done manual of procedures are for District Rotaract Representative Election, MDIO Chair Election and DRRs’ Aide to MDIO. Targeted to be finished on 4th meeting are Sister Club / Twinning Guidelines, and Award Pointing System covering the four (4) avenues of service, finance and public image.

I’m happy that I’m healthy enough to continuously guide the growth of Pilipinas MDIO. It’s an exhilarating feeling to witness and contribute to what I thought as my legacy to Rotaract – the establishment of Pilipinas MDIO. For two years, we’ve been helping DRRs but now we are now also ‘creating’ future DRRs and MDIO Chair. I guess, along the process of trainings, seminars, discussions and fellowships, involved Rotaractors gain the awareness and enlighten them to aspire the positions. This in turn means continued leadership or life of the organization per se. This leads me through John C. Maxwell’s Law of Legacy states that a leader's lasting value is measured by succession.

And now is even easier as I have also fellow PDRRs who dedicate their time and expertise to our most cherished organization – Rotaract Club.



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The opinions expressed on this site are my own and do not necessarily represent those of my employer, home Rotaract Club, sponsoring Rotary Club, Rotary District and MDIO.