Saturday, March 2, 2013

Gift for GSE Host Family

We are now in the final week before the exchange proper.
The GSE Send-Off Party last February 27, 2013 was indeed a great experience as beta test for the presentation proper. Likewise, it was the official GSE event for us team members with our family and sponsoring Rotary club. I am very thankful that the club host was my sponsoring Rotary Club. I had the opportunity to be with them, past Rotaract Club of Cubao President Joel and my husband Vergel. My husband understood what I have been up to for the past months and supported me more after the GSE Send-Off Party!:)
We are now at the stage of reviewing the final Checklist.  I am now in the crisis of what gift to be given to the host family especially the children.
I’m also thinking how can I fully document while enjoying and learning from the program?



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