Monday, July 13, 2009

Are you Lifeaholic or Workaholic Rotaractor?

I remember my first “addict” years in Rotaract. It’s like Rotaract is the “be all of everything”! However, I discovered that Rotaract can be fully explored and enjoyed in balance with other inevitable aspects of life.

Again, SIMPLIFY And Live the Good Life by Bo Sanchez inspired me to write about Rotaract and balancing life.

We may relate the “Workaholic” to a Rotaractor whose life is not managed well and the “Lifeaholic” to a Rotaractor who matures enough and enjoys a balanced life.

A workaholic works long hours.
But a lifeaholic works regular hours.

A workolic has very shallow friendships, in and out of work.
A lifeaholic treasures his deep friendships as his greatest wealth.

A workaholic works with no defined goals. He just wants to be busy.
But a lifeaholic has defined goals and works towards attaining them. And half of these goals have nothing to do with his work.

A workaholic has no interests outside of work.
A lifeaholic on the other hand has pleasurable interests outside his work.

A workaholic cannot delegate.
A lifeaholic makes delegation his master skill.

A workaholic doesn’t take vacations. And if he is forced to take one, his mind will be trapped in his office desk no matter where he goes.
A lifeaholic on the other hand takes afternoon naps, annual personal retreats, second honeymoons, regular family picnics, and weekly days-off with gusto.

A workaholic feels that life is one huge problem.
A lifeaholic feels that life is one mysterious and wonderful gift.

At this stage of your Rotaract years, are you a workaholic or lifeaholic?


Devie aka Ladybug said...

Hi Ana,
I’m a Bo Sanchez fanatic! :). I loved to attend the event. I’m not sure though if I’m back already in the Philippines by the said dates since we will have Rotaract conference and extra tours during those weeks.


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