Yesterday, prior to D3820 –Presidents-Elect and Secretaries-Elect Training (PESET) Camp talk, our small group planned to enjoy “Batis” swimming and have some nature trip. It’s so happened that the camp venue is also PP Vergel’s dad home place. Family reunion for PP Vergel’s dad side, date with Vergel:), bonding with our PE Joel and DS Rico, and talk for 3820’s Presidents-Elect group were all rolled in one day!
During the Presidents-Elect group talk, the topics were Presidents’ Roles and Responsibilities, Goal Setting and Strategic Planning. Then, “intimate relationships” became a hot issue. Wherever districts I touch this issue, it’s really usual that 100% Rotaractors and Rotarians became so participative and threw all possible questions.
My District Rotaract Representative classmate in 2006-07 and now District Rotaract Chairman of Rotary District 3820 Mhon Brazas had a very good answer to this natural human relationship desire within the context of Rotary-Rotaract. According to DRC Mhon, we as Rotaractors should be “responsible for our own actions” and should not jeopardize club’s operations as to “let Rotaract continue to grow”.
And I must say that finding the venue was really an enjoying “hunting in the jungle” experience!
What a jump-packed day!
More photos here:
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